posted on 2009-07-07, 12:49authored byG.P. McTaggart-Cowan, N. Wu, B. Jin, S.N. Rogak, Martin H. Davy, W.K. Bushe
The effects of adding ethane or nitrogen on the ignition and combustion of a non-premixed high-pressure
methane-air jet have been investigated using fundamental studies in a shock tube and advanced
computational modelling. The results are then used to interpret the performance of a pilot-ignited natural gas
engine fuelled with similar fuels. The results show that the influence of the additives on the gaseous jet auto-ignition
process is relatively small, but that they have a greater effect on the research engine, where both
fuels have similar influences on the spatial relationship between the gaseous jet and the pilot flame.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
MCTAGGART-COWAN, G.P. ... et al., 2009. Effects of fuel composition on high-pressure non-premixed natural gas combustion. Combustion Science and Technology, 181 (3), pp. 397-416.