Progress in the creation of large scale, artificial quantum coherent structures demands the investigation of their nonequilibrium dynamics when strong interactions, even between remote parts, are non-perturbative. Analysis of multiparticle quantum correlations in a large system in the presence of decoherence and external driving is especially topical. Still, the scaling behaviour of dynamics and related emergent phenomena are not yet well understood. We investigate how the dynamics of a driven system of several quantum elements (e.g., qubits or Rydberg atoms) changes with increasing number of elements. Surprisingly, a two-element system exhibits chaotic behaviours. For larger system sizes a highly stochastic, far from equilibrium, hyperchaotic regime emerges. Its complexity systematically scales with the size of the system, proportionally to the number of elements. Finally, we demonstrate that these chaotic dynamics can be efficiently controlled by a periodic driving field. The insights provided by our result indicate the possibility of a reduced description for the behaviour of a large quantum system in terms of the transitions between its qualitatively different dynamical regimes. These transitions are controlled by a relatively small number of parameters, which may prove useful in the design, characterization and control of large artificial quantum structures.
Testing Quantumness: From Artificial Quantum Arrays to Lattice Spin Models and Spin Liquids
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in the framework of Increase Competitiveness Program of NUST MISiS, Grant No. K2-2020-001 and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) 18-32- 20135
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