posted on 2010-09-23, 09:09authored byShuhaimi Mansor, Martin Passmore
A method for the estimation of transient aerodynamic derivatives from dynamic wind tunnel tests using time response data is presented in this paper. For the purposes of the study, the aerodynamic derivatives are considered to act as a stiffness and damping to the model motion. The experimental
set-up consists of a simple bluff body (Davis model) constrained to oscillate with a single degree of freedom of pure yawing motion. A range of springs were used to control the oscillation frequency
and hence the reduced frequency. The transient responses from dynamic wind tunnel tests are compared with quasi-steady analysis in order to investigate the effect of unsteady aerodynamics. The aerodynamic derivatives are initially estimated using the classical logarithmic decay method. The
dynamic stiffness derivative exceeds that determined statically across the reduced frequency range. The damping derivative was found to be a function of free-stream speed; at low velocities it is negative but progressively increases to a positive value. With further increases in speed, a self-sustained oscillation is observed with almost constant frequency and amplitude. This result is attributed to coupling between the model wake and the model stability; however, the exact mechanism of the interaction is not fully understood. This phenomenon is under further
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
MANSOR, S. and PASSMORE, M.A., 2008. Estimation of bluff body transient aerodynamics using an oscillating model rig. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96 (6-7), pp. 1218-1231.