Loughborough University

Evaluating course evaluations: the need to establish what is being measured

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journal contribution
posted on 2007-07-23, 13:52 authored by Jenny A. Darby
The study attempted to assess the validity of measures commonly used for course evaluations. Activity and attitudinal measures were included and these were related to two different control groups. The study was completed with a sample of teachers who attended a course dealing with child abuse repeated 23 times with groups of approximately 25 teachers. It was found activities undertaken after the course were more a reflection on how little effort was required to carry them out than on the effectiveness of the course. Attitude measures tended to make it appear the course had an effect. The type of control group used for comparison purposes had a marked effect on whether the course appeared to have been effective. The need to consider these factors as influential variables when interpreting data from course evaluations was stressed.



  • Social Sciences


  • Communication, Media, Social and Policy Studies


DARBY, J.A., 2007. Evaluating course evaluations: the need to establish what is being measured. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 32(4), pp 441-455.


© Taylor & Francis

Publication date



This article was published in the journal, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education [© Taylor and Francis] and the definitive version is available at: www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/02602938.asp.




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