Objective: To assess the accuracy of a pedometer (manufactured by Silva) currently being
used as part of a national programme to promote physical activity in the UK.
Methods: Laboratory study: 68 participants (age 19.2±2.7 years, BMI 22.5±3.3 kg/m2) wore
2 Silva pedometers (over the right and left hips) whilst walking on a motorised treadmill at 2,
2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4mph. Pedometer step counts were compared with actual steps counted.
Free-living study: 134 participants (age 36.4±18.1 years, BMI 26.3±5.1 kg/m2) wore one Silva
pedometer, one New-Lifestyles NL-1000 pedometer and an ActiGraph GT1M accelerometer
(the criterion) during waking hours for one day. Step counts registered by the Silva and NL-
1000 pedometers were compared to ActiGraph step counts. Percent error of the pedometers
were compared across normal-weight (n=58), overweight (n=45) and obese (n=31)
Results: Laboratory study: Across the speeds tested percent error in steps ranged from 6.7
(4mph) – 46.9% (2mph). Free-living study: Overall percent errors of the Silva and NL-1000
pedometers relative to the criterion were 36.3% and 9% respectively. Significant differences
in percent error of the Silva pedometer were observed across BMI groups (normal-weight
21%, overweight 40.2%, obese 59.2%, P<0.001).
Conclusion: The findings suggest the Silva pedometer is unacceptably inaccurate for
activity promotion purposes particularly in overweight and obese adults. Pedometers are an
excellent tool for activity promotion however the use of inexpensive, untested pedometers is
not recommended as they will lead to user frustration, low intervention compliance, and
adverse reaction to the instrument, potentially impacting future public health campaigns.
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Published in
1178 - 1183 (6)
CLEMES, S.A. ... et al., 2010. Evaluation of a commercially available pedometer used to promote physical activity as part of a national programme. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44 (16), pp. 1178-1183.
This article has been accepted for publication in British Journal of Sports Medicine following peer review. The definitive copyedited, typeset version (CLEMES, S.A. ... et al., 2010. Evaluation of a commercially available pedometer used to promote physical activity as part of a national programme. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44 (16), pp. 1178-1183) is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bjsm.2009.061085.