posted on 2016-10-05, 08:11authored byKan Liu, Zi-Qiang Zhu
This paper proposes a novel method for the fast determination of moment of inertia of permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) drive systems. It is based on the use of sinusoidal perturbation signals and can determine the combined moment of inertia within one sinusoidal cycle of perturbation while the influence of viscous friction is eliminated during the modeling process. It does not need the aid of complex system identification algorithms, and thanks to the elimination of influence of viscous friction, the proposed scheme shows higher
accuracy than the conventional method without taking into account. Furthermore, its accuracy is also competitive with the
conventional method using complex system identification algorithms, for example, the model reference adaptive system
(MRAS). Besides, the performance of designed speed regulators using the estimated mechanical parameters and the influence of
mismatching of mechanical parameters are also investigated.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
LIU, K. and ZHU, Z.Q., 2017. Fast determination of moment of inertia of permanent magnet synchronous machine drives for design of speed loop regulator. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 25(5), pp.1816-1824.
IEEE Control Systems Society
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Acceptance date
Publication date
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