The integration of additive manufacturing (AM) technology within biological systems holds significant potential, specifically when refining the methods utilised for the creation of in vitro models. Therefore, examination of cellular interaction with the physical/physico-chemical properties of 3D printed polymers is critically important. In this work, skeletal muscle (C2C12), neuronal (SH-SY5Y) and hepatic (HepG2) cell lines were utilised to ascertain critical evidence of cellular behaviour in response to 3D printed candidate polymers; Clear-FL (stereolithography, SL), PA-12 (laser sintering, LS) and VeroClear (PolyJet). This research outlines initial critical evidence for a framework of polymer/AM process selection when 3D printing biologically receptive scaffolds, derived from industry standard, commercially available AM instrumentation. C2C12, SH-SY5Y and HepG2 cells favoured LS polymer PA-12 for applications in which cellular adherence is necessitated. However, cell type specific responses were evident when cultured in the chemical leachate of photo-polymers (Clear-FL and VeroClear). With the increasing prevalence of 3D printed bio-interfaces, the development of rigorous cell type specific biocompatibility data is imperative. Supplementing the currently limited database of functional 3D printed biomaterials affords the opportunity for experiment-specific AM process and polymer selection, dependent on biological application and intricacy of design features required.
This research was undertaken within a mini-centre for doctoral training (CDT) funded by Loughborough University. This work was supported in part by EPSRC Grant REF: EP/L02067X/2.
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Design and Creative Arts
Published in
Macromolecular Bioscience
RIMINGTON, R.P. ... et al, 2018. Feasibility and biocompatibility of 3D‐printed photopolymerized and laser sintered polymers for neuronal, myogenic, and hepatic cell types. Macromolecular Bioscience, 18 (7), 1800113.
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This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: RIMINGTON, R.P. ... et al, 2018. Feasibility and biocompatibility of 3D‐printed photopolymerized and laser sintered polymers for neuronal, myogenic, and hepatic cell types. Macromolecular Bioscience, 18 (7), 1800113, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.