posted on 2018-10-31, 15:04authored byKirsty E. Kliem, David J. Humphries, Oonagh MarkeyOonagh Markey, Dafni Vasilopoulou, Colette C. Fagan, Alistair S. Grandison, Kim G. Jackson, Susan Todd, David Ian Givens, Julie A. Lovegrove
Lactating cow diets were supplemented with high‐oleic acid sunflower oil over two production periods spanning two years, to modify the milk fat, partially replacing saturated fatty acids with cis‐monounsaturated fatty acids. The resulting milk was used for ultrahigh‐temperature milk, butter and Cheddar cheese production, and fatty acid profiles were compared with those of conventionally produced products. Fat from products made with modified milk had lower saturated fatty acids and higher cis‐ and trans‐monounsaturated fatty acid concentrations than that of conventional products. This was consistent over both production periods, demonstrating that this food chain approach could be adopted on a wider scale.
This study (REplacement of SaturatEd fat in dairy on Total cholesterol, RESET; ID: NCT02089035) was funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC projectnumber MR/K020218/1), in collaboration with Arla Foods UK.
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Published in
International Journal of Dairy Technology
KLIEM, K.E. ... et al, 2018. Food chain approach to lowering the saturated fat of milk and dairy products. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 72 (1), pp.100-109.
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: KLIEM, K.E. ... et al, 2018. Food chain approach to lowering the saturated fat of milk and dairy products. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 72 (1), pp.100-109, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.