To describe charged particles interacting with the quantized electromagnetic
field, we point out the differences of working in the so-called generalized and
the true Coulomb gauges. We find an explicit gauge transformation between them
for the case of the electromagnetic field operators quantized near a
macroscopic boundary described by a piece-wise constant dielectric function.
Starting from the generalized Coulomb gauge we transform operators into the
true Coulomb gauge where the vector potential operator is truly transverse
everywhere. We find the generating function of the gauge transformation to
carry out the corresponding unitary transformation of the Hamiltonian and show
that in the true Coulomb gauge the Hamiltonian of a particle near a polarizable
surface contains extra terms due to the fluctuating surface charge density
induced by the vacuum field. This extra term is represented by a
second-quantised operator on equal footing with the vector field operators. We
demonstrate that this term contains part of the electrostatic energy of the
charged particle interacting with the surface and that the gauge invariance of
the theory guarantees that the total interaction energy in all cases equals the
well known result obtainable by the method of images when working in
generalized Coulomb gauge. The mathematical tools we have developed allow us to
work out explicitly the equal-time commutation relations and shed some light on
typical misconceptions regarding issues of whether the presence of the
boundaries should affect the field commutators or not, especially when the
boundaries are modelled as perfect reflectors.
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Physical Review D and the definitive published version is available at