The UK JISC-funded RoMEO Project is investigating the IPR issues related to the ‘selfarchiving’
of research papers by academics and the subsequent disclosure and harvesting of
metadata about those research papers using the Open Archives Initiative’s Protocol for
Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). During the first phase of the project we performed online
questionnaire surveys of four key stakeholder groups: academic authors, journal publishers,
OAI Data Providers and Service Providers. We have also performed a very interesting
analysis of 80 journal publishers’ Author Copyright Agreements. The principle outcomes of
the project are, firstly, the development of some simple rights metadata by which academics
might protect their research papers in an open access environment, and secondly, a means
of protecting the rights in all that freely available metadata that may soon be available.
University Academic and Administrative Support
University Library
GADD, E., 2003. IPR issues facing open access. Serials, 16 (3), pp. 261-263
This article appears in the journal, Serials: The Journal For The Serials Community and the definitive version is available at: