Loughborough University

Il ruolo della moschea in immigrazione. Ricerca di campo nel casertano. [The role of the mosque in immigration. Filed research in the Caserta area]

journal contribution
posted on 2018-02-27, 16:07 authored by Gennaro Errichiello
La presenza dei musulmani in Italia e ormai un dato acquisito della nostra realta e con cui dobbiamo confrontarci quotidianamente. Ovviamente il modo migliore per conoscere una realta per lo piu sconosciuta e quello di «infiltrarsi» in quel determinato contesto sociale e studiarlo dall’interno. Attraverso l’approccio etnografico, ho fatto ricerca all’interno di una delle moschee piu grandi del sud Italia, presente a San Marcellino piccolo paese dell’agroaversano, in provincia di Caserta. Questa moschea e il luogo in cui i musulmani si riuniscono per pregare, per celebrare le feste religiose, ma e anche un luogo di incontro e di confronto. La moschea di San Marcellino, essendo frequentata da musulmani di differenti nazionalita (dimensione multi-culturale), rappresenta un luogo di scambi inter-culturali, in un territorio in cui sono presenti musulmani tunisini, algerini, marocchini, albanesi e italiani convertiti. The presence of the Muslims in Italy is a fact which we must cope with every single day. Thus it is of capital importance to know where they go to pray and where they meet. In the course of my ethnographic work, I became familiar with the Islamic settlement of San Marcellino, a little town near Caserta, where was erected one of the largest mosques in all of southern Italy. In a context of migration, a mosque plays different roles: it is, of course, a religious place where the faithful worship Allah (God), and perform Islamic rituals. But it accomplishes also the additional important function of being a place for socializing, where men, women and children encounter one another. They go there to stay together, to discuss, but also to buy food, books, and most importantly, to find the meat slaughtered according to Islamic religious customs (halal). All these different functions are reflected in the activities of the mosque where I did my fieldwork.



  • Social Sciences


  • Communication, Media, Social and Policy Studies

Published in

Studi emigrazione. Etudes migrations






907 - 926


ERRICHIELLO, G., 2008. Il ruolo della moschea in immigrazione. Ricerca di campo nel casertano. [The role of the mosque in immigration. Filed research in the Caserta area]. Studi Emigrazione, XLIV (168), pp.907-926.


© Fondazione Centro Studi Emigrazione – Roma (CSER)


  • AM (Accepted Manuscript)

Publisher statement

This work is made available according to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence. Full details of this licence are available at: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Publication date



This paper is written in Italian. This paper is closed access.




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