posted on 2016-07-11, 14:56authored byAsmaa Al-Marhoubi, Sara SaraviSara Saravi, Eran Edirisinghe, Helmut E. Bez
The present generation of Ambient Light Sensors (ALS) of a mobile handheld device suffer from two practical shortcomings. The ALSs are narrow angle, i.e. they respond effectively only within a narrow angle of operation and there is a latency of operation. As a result mobile applications that operate based on the ALS readings could perform sub-optimally especially when operated in environments with non-uniform illumination. The applications will either adopt with unacceptable levels of latency or/and may demonstrate a discrete nature of operation. In this paper we propose a framework to predict the ambient illumination of an environment in which a mobile device is present. The predictions are based on an illumination model that is developed based on a small number of readings taken during an application calibration stage. We use a machine learning based approach in developing the models. Five different regression models were developed, implemented and compared based on Polynomial, Gaussian, Sum of Sine, Fourier and Smoothing Spline functions. Approaches to remove noisy data, missing values and outliers were used prior to the modelling stage to remove their negative effects on modelling. The prediction accuracy for all models were found to be above 0.99 when measured using R-Squared test with the best performance being from Smoothing Spline. In this paper we will discuss mathematical complexity of each model and investigate how to make compromises in finding the best model
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
Conference on Image Sensing Technologies - Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications II
? - ? (11)
MARHOUBI. A.H. ... et al, 2015. Illumination modelling of a mobile device environment for effective use in driving mobile apps. Proceedings of SPIE 9481, Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications II, 94810R.
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