The paper provides an analysis of dynamics of micro-gear pairs, typically used in an assortment of microelectromechanical
system (MEMS) devices. It includes a mathematical hierarchical model of the impact dynamics
of meshing gear teeth. It comprises the nanoscopic effect of asperity tips’ adhesion for relatively rough surfaces
on a microscopic level (overall contact domain). The analysis is extended to the depletion of long chain molecule
Self-assembled molecules (SAM) in impact behaviour of meshing gear-teeth pairs. The analyses show that for the
usual high operating speeds of MEMS gears, due to high impact velocities, the role of asperity tips’ adhesion is
quite insignificant. However, the same is not true for lower impact velocities, which would occur under start-up,
run-up to normal operating speeds or during deccelerative motions. The paper proposes a novel spectral-based
approach to predict the degradation of the protective SAM layer between meshing teeth, while the mechanism is
in continual relative motion.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
TEODORESCU, M., THEODOSSIADES, S. and RAHNEJAT, H., 2009. Impact dynamics of rough and surface protected MEMS gears. Tribology International, 42 (2), pp.197-205.
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