Social housing organisations are increasingly installing renewable energy technologies, particularly for
the provision of heating and hot water. To meet carbon reduction targets, uptake and installation must
allow occupants to use the technology effectively. This paper describes research which investigated the
service of installing heat pumps into UK social housing properties, from both landlords’ and tenants’
experiences. Adopting a user centred design approach, the research was in three phases: an exploration
study to investigate landlords’ and tenants’ experiences of heat pump installation and use; refinement
and development of the requirements for improved service delivery, primarily technology introduction
and control; and the development and initial evaluation of an information leaflet as a key touchpoint in
the service delivery. Recommendations for improved service delivery, to enable heat pumps to be
accepted and used more effectively, are presented, as well as reflection on the process of applying
user centred design in this context. In a relatively immature area of industry, installations to date
have been heavily focused on technical aspects. This paper provides an insight into the human aspects
of the service delivery of heat pumps in social housing, providing designers and social housing landlords
with insight about how to improve the service.
Research Councils UK Energy Programme and
E.ON, under Grant EP/G000395/1 (Carbon, Control and
Comfort: user centred control systems for comfort, carbon
saving and energy management)
Published in
Indoor and Built Environment
MOORE, N., HAINES, V. and LILLEY, D., 2015. Improving the installation of renewable heating technology in UK social housing properties through user centred design. Indoor and Built Environment, 24 (7), pp.970-985
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Publication date
This article was published in the journal Indoor and Built Environment (