posted on 2017-08-17, 09:07authored byFabio Gori, Ivano Petracci, Matteo Angelino
The paper is aimed at investigating the influence of the Reynolds number on the instant flow evolution of a rectangular free jet of air in the range of Reynolds numbers from Re = 35,300 to Re = 2,200, where the Reynolds number, Re, is defined according to the hydraulic diameter, D, of a rectangular slot of height H, equal to about D = 2H. The Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique allows obtaining the instant PIV visualizations on the central symmetry section of the rectangular jet. The visual inspection of the instant frames with one and two vortices, except for Re = 35,300 where only one vortex images are detected, shows that after the jet exit is present the Flow with Constant Instant Height, with a length LCIH which increases with the decrease of the Reynolds number, from a ratio LCIH/H equal to LCIH/H = 0.9 at Re = 35,300 to LCIH/H = 4.0 at Re = 2,200. [Continues.]
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Published in
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
386 - 401
GORI, F., PETRACCI, I. and ANGELINO, M., 2014. Influence of the Reynolds number on the instant flow evolution of a turbulent rectangular free jet of air. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 50, pp.386-401.
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