Inspirational stimuli to support creative ideation for the design of artificial intelligence-powered products
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize product design, and designers need to know how to best leverage its capabilities. Based on the concept–knowledge (C-K) theory, a set of inspirational stimuli (IS) for the design of AI-powered products (ISfAI) has been developed to contribute to the conceptual design stage. We extracted 40 ISs from 1755 granted AI patents using a five-step process and validated their feasibility through a controlled experiment using three design aids: brainstorming, ISfAI sheet, and ISfAI cards. Results suggest that the ISfAI cards can serve as a creative tool to enabling practitioners to generate a greater range of high-quality AI-powered ideas, particularly in terms of novelty, creativity, elaboration, and flexibility. This study has practical implications for developing AI-powered products and services.
The Humanities and Social Sciences Research Youth Fund Project of the Ministry of Education of China (grant no. 23YJCZH094)
The General Scientific Research Project of the Department of Education of Zhejiang Province (grant no. Y202351558)
- Design and Creative Arts
Published in
Journal of Mechanical DesignVolume
1 - 20Publisher
ASME InternationalVersion
- VoR (Version of Record)
Rights holder
© ASMEAcceptance date
2024-06-03Publication date
2024-07-19Copyright date
Paper no. MD-24-1060ISSN
1528-9001Publisher version
- en