Clothing acts as an important barrier for heat and vapour transfer between a human body and the environment. Parameters that could describe that transfer include, i.a. the thermal insulation (the so-called dry heat exchange) and the evaporative resistance (the so-called wet heat
exchange). Once the above mentioned parameters are determined, it is possible to consciously adapt clothing ensembles to the existing thermal environment in the workplace. In order to validate the mentioned method of thermal insulation and
evaporative resistance measurements, the proficiency tests (PT) were organised. The main goal of the PT was to compare thermal insulation and evaporative resistance for one set of clothing using the Newton-type
thermal manikin. In total, 4 laboratories participated in the PT study. The reference value of the thermal insulation (It) and evaporative resistance (Ret) were calculated as the mean of all the results. The assessment criteria included: a permissible error for thermal insulation and evaporative
resistance measurements was 4% and 10%, respectively. Calculations included, i.a., z-scores and indicators, such as the
interlaboratory coefficient of variation or the reproducibility limit. The results contribute to the worldwide discussion on standardised studies of evaporative resistance of clothing.
This paper was based on the results of a research task carried out within the scope of the third stage of the National Programme ‘‘Improvement of safety and working conditions’’ partly supported in 2014–2016—within the scope of state services—by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The Central Institute for Labour Protection—National Research Institute—is the Programme’s main co-ordinator.
Published in
Textile Research Journal
MLYNARCZYK, M. ... et al, 2016. Interlaboratory proficiency tests in measuring thermal insulation and evaporative resistance of clothing using the Newton-type thermal manikin. Textile Research Journal, 88 (4), pp.453-466.
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This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Textile Research Journal and the definitive published version is available at