Klasa u suvremenom hrvatskom društvu: postbourdieuovska analiza (Class in contemporary Croatian society: a post-Bourdieusian analysis)
U ovom članku, na temelju primarnih kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih podataka, analiziramo mnogostruke mehanizme koji proizvode nejednakosti u suvremenom hrvatskom društvu i višedimenzionalnu klasnu strukturu koja iz njih proizlazi. Naš je pristup potaknut koncepcijom Pierrea Bourdieua, koju smo znatno revidirali i prilagodili proučavanju postsocijalističkih društava u jugoistočnoj Europi. U tekstu prikazujemo četiri analitička koraka koja su nas vodila do koncepcije sveukupne društvene nejednakosti kao nejednakosti u društvenim moćima. Ti koraci uključuju: (1) konstrukciju društvenog prostora u Hrvatskoj, (2) identifikaciju ključnih generatora društvenih nejednakosti (eksploatacijskih tržišnih mehanizama i mehanizama društvenog zatvaranja), (3) analizu životnih stilova i povlačenja simboličkih granica te (4) analizu diferencijalnog povezivanja i uspostavljanja društvenih granica.
Rezultati pokazuju da se, uzimajući u obzir sveukupnu društvenu nejednakost, u suvremenom hrvatskom društvu mogu uočiti četiri klase i sedam klasnih frakcija: (1) Klasa bogata kapitalima, s dvije frakcije – ekonomskom i političkom; (2) Klasa srednje razine kapitala, s kulturnom i socijalnom frakcijom; (3) Međuklasa, koja dijeli neke objektivne karakteristike s Klasom srednje razine kapitala, a druge s Klasom siromašnom kapitalima, ali ima distinktivni stil života i obrasce diferencijalnog povezivanja te (4) Klasa siromašna kapitalima, u kojoj je moguće razlučiti tri frakcije: agrarnu, rurbanu i manualno-uslužnu. U završnim razmatranjima donosimo sintetski prikaz klasne strukture suvremenog hrvatskog društva, raspravljamo o novom pojmu egzistencijalne klase (konceptualiziranom na temelju naših teorijskih i empirijskih analiza) te objašnjavamo najvažnije značajke vlastitog postbourdieuovskog pristupa.
In this article, based on primary quantitative and qualitative data, we analyse the multiple mechanisms generating inequalities in contemporary Croatian society and the multidimensional class structure resulting from them. Our approach has been inspired by Pierre Bourdieu’s conception, which we significantly revised and adapted for studying postsocialist societies in South-East Europe. We present four analytical steps that have led us to the conception of general social inequality as inequality in social powers. These steps include: (1) construction of social space in Croatia; (2) identification of key generators of social inequality (exploitative market mechanisms and mechanisms of social closure); (3) analysis of lifestyles and the drawing of social boundaries; and (4) analysis of differential association and establishment of social boundaries.
The results indicate that by taking general social inequality into account, one can distinguish between four classes and seven class fractions in contemporary Croatian society: (1) Capital rich class, with two fractions: economic and political; (2) Class with average capitals, with a cultural and social fraction; (3) Intermediary class, which shares some objective characteristics with the Class with average capitals as well as the Capital poor class, but has a distinctive lifestyle and patterns of differential association; and (4) Capital poor class, in which three fractions can be distinguished: agrarian, rurban, and manual-service. In the concluding section, we present a synthetic depiction of class structure in contemporary Croatian society, discuss the new notion of existential class (a conceptualization based on our empirical and theoretical analyses), and explain the most important characteristics of our post-Bourdieusian approach.
Swiss National Science Foundation
Croatian Science Foundation
Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Criminology, Sociology and Social Policy
Published in
Sociologija i prostorVolume
39 - 88Publisher
Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu – Institute for Social Research in ZagrebVersion
- VoR (Version of Record)
Rights holder
© Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu – Institute for Social Research in ZagrebPublisher statement
This paper was published in the journal Sociologija i prostor and is available at https://doi.org/10.5673/sip.60.1.2Acceptance date
2022-03-15Publication date
2022-06-02Copyright date
The paper is available to read in English at https://hrcak.srce.hr/file/403417ISSN
1849-0387Publisher version
- other