Nostalgia is one of the most critical constructs influencing individuals’ future behavioral intention. However, a measurement scale for nostalgia has not been widely explored and has not been developed in the context of leisure. Therefore, based on the classification of nostalgia, the study aimed to develop a scale to measure nostalgic leisure behavior. This study followed a rigorous scale development procedure to achieve adequate psychometric properties. The leisure nostalgia scale developed in this study contributes to a deeper understanding of nostalgia in leisure and expands extant knowledge by building a comprehensive conceptual framework in leisure research. In addition, a better understanding of leisure nostalgia allows researchers to extend this model with other leisure constructs and more effectively explain leisure participation in various populations. Based on the findings of this study, managers in the leisure industry can develop and implement effective strategies to appeal to leisure participants and promote business competitiveness.
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Published in
Journal of Leisure Research
CHO, H., PYUN, D.Y. and WANG, J., 2019. Leisure nostalgia: Scale development and validation. Journal of Leisure Research, 50 (4), pp.330-349.
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Leisure Research on 29 Apr 2019, available online: