We propose two novel antenna selection (AS) and
discrete phase-shifts design (PSD) schemes for use in intelligent
reflecting surface (IRS) assisted multiuser massive multiple-input
multiple-output (mMIMO) networks. The first AS and PSD
method aims at maximizing the gain of the channels; while
the second method is an iterative sum-rate maximization (ISM)
scheme that aims at maximizing the total achievable rate. For
the AS part, we demonstrate that the ISM method achieves near
optimal performance with much lower complexity compared to
benchmark AS schemes, and can be utilized with any precoder at
the mMIMO base station. For the PSD, our proposed successive?refinement optimization methods are not only efficient, but
their complexities scale linearly with the number of elements
at the IRS, making them highly attractive when dealing with
large surfaces. A thorough complexity analysis for the proposed
methods is carried out in terms of the number of floating
point operations required for their implementations. Finally,
extensive numerical results are provided and some key points
are highlighted on the performance of the proposed schemes
with both conjugate beamforming and zero-forcing precoders.
Communications Signal Processing Based Solutions for Massive Machine-to-Machine Networks (M3NETs)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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