A novel inductive probe, termed MIDOT, was developed for monitoring high-current flat transmission lines. While being inexpensive the probe does not require calibration, is resistant to both shock waves and temperature variations, and it is easy to manufacture and mount. It generates strong output signals that are relatively easy to interpret and has a detection region limited to a pre-defined
part of the transmission line. The theoretical background related to the MIDOT probes, together with their practical implementation in both preliminary experimentation and high-current tests, is
also presented in the paper. The novel probe can be used to benchmark existing 2D numerical codes used in calculating the current distribution inside the conductors of a transmission line but can easily detect an early movement of a transmission line component. The probe can also find other applications, such as locating the position of a pulsed current flowing through a thin
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
Review of Scientific Instruments
125004 - 125004
OMAR, K.A.M., 2016. MIDOT: A novel probe for monitoring high-current flat transmission lines. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(12): 125004.
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This paper was published in the journal Review of Scientific Instruments and the definitive published version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4971246