This paper contributes to ongoing debates surrounding the governance and
security of global mobility regimes through a theoretical and empirical
examination of the extent to which air transport liberalisation and
contemporary practices of infectious disease governance demand a reconceptualisation
of national borders. Recent outbreaks of SARS and H1N1
influenza, which spread rapidly around the world via air travel, illustrated the
ability of pathogens to disrupt patterns and practices of human mobility and
directly led to the introduction of new health screening technologies at
airports that were designed to restrict the spread of infection and maintain a
sanitary border. Yet while medical specialists have debated the effectiveness
of the various screening techniques, and privacy campaigners have expressed
concern over some of the technologies that have been deployed in an attempt
to intercept these disease threats, there has been no exploration of the extent to
which recent regulatory and structural changes within the global aviation
industry have exacerbated the challenges of safeguarding public health and
simultaneously transformed practices and spatialities of sanitary border
control by re-siting national borders within a range of offshore and domestic
locations. Drawing on official airport passenger statistics from the UK, this
paper contends that, in transforming the spatialities of contemporary patterns
of aeromobility, the progressive liberalisation of the commercial aviation
sector (and the dramatic rise in passenger numbers, flights, and airports
handling international services it effected) – has had unintended and hitherto
unexplored consequences for the governance of infectious disease mobility
and the material deployment of sovereign sanitary territoriality by creating
more points through which an infectious disease may enter or leave a country
and moving the border inside UK regions.
Social Sciences
Geography and Environment
BUDD, L., BELL, M., and WARREN, A.P., 2011. Maintaining the sanitary border: air transport liberalisation and health security practices at UK regional airports. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 36 (2), pp. 268-279.