The truncated Cornish–Fisher inverse expansion is well known and has been used to approximate value-at-risk and conditional value-at-risk. The following are also known. The expansion is available
only for a limited range of skewness and kurtosis. The distribution approximation it gives is poor for larger values of skewness or kurtosis. We develop a computational method to find a unique corrected Cornish–Fisher distribution efficiently for a wide range of skewness and kurtosis. We show it has a unimodal density and a quantile function that is twice continuously differentiable as a function of mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis. We extend the univariate distribution to a multivariate Cornish–Fisher distribution and show it can be used together with estimation-error
reduction methods to improve risk estimation. We show how to test goodness-of-fit. We apply the Cornish–Fisher distribution to fit hedge-fund returns and estimate conditional value-at-risk. We
conclude that the Cornish–Fisher distribution is useful in estimating risk, especially in the multivariate case where we must deal with estimation error.
Business and Economics
Published in
Journal of Risk
LAMB, J.D., MONVILLE, M.E. and TEE, K-H., 2018. Making Cornish–Fisher fit for risk measurement. Journal of Risk, 21 (5), pp.53-81.