In this study, grip force was measured during a standard golf tee shot using two different
measurement techniques. The first utilized a matrix-type thin-film sensor applied to a
golf grip, from which total grip force could be readily determined. The second method involved
31 individual thin-film force sensors strategically placed on two golf gloves, allowing the force
output of specific regions of the hands to be measured. Twenty golfers of varying ability participated
in each test. The discovery of a unique grip force ‘signature’ for each golfer emerged
from these data. That is, each golfer had a very repeatable total grip force trace, but these traces
varied considerably between golfers. High-speed video was also recorded for many of the golfers
tested so that key phases in the swing could be identified on the force traces.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
KOMI, E.R., ROBERTS, J.R. and ROTHBERG, S., 2008. Measurement and analysis of grip force during a golf shot. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P : Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 222 (1), pp. 23-35 [DOI: 10.1243/17543371JSET9]