The Fouetté turn in classical ballet is performed repeatedly on one
leg with swinging of the free limbs, producing a continued
sequence of turns with one turn leading into the next. The purpose
of this study was to determine the possible time history profiles of
the twisting torque between the supporting leg and the remainder
of the body that will allow continued performances of the Fouetté
turn. Simulations were performed using a model which comprised
the supporting leg and the remainder of the body to find torque
profiles that maintain the initial angular velocity so that the state
after one revolution is the same as the initial state. The solution
space of torque profiles was determined for various rotation times
and coefficients of friction between foot and floor. As the time for
one revolution became shorter the solution space became smaller
and for a given turn time there was a lower limit on the coefficient
of friction. As the frictional coefficient became smaller the solution
space became smaller and for a given coefficient there was a lower
limit on the turn time. Turns of a given tempo can be performed on
floors with different friction by modifying the twisting torque profile.
When a turn is completed with a net change in angular velocity
this can be compensated for in the next turn by adjusting the
twisting torque profile.
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
IMURA, A. and YEADON, M.R., 2010. Mechanics of the Fouetté turn. Human Movement Science, 29 (6), pp. 947-955.