Microstructure characterisation of electromagnetic pulse welded high-strength aluminium alloys
Electromagnetic pulse welding is a high-velocity impact joining process employed with the intention of forming fast and effective solid-state bonds. Electron microscopy techniques, including SEM and TEM, revealed that bonding was not fully accomplished in the solid state; instead, local melting can occur. These locally melted areas likely occur around the point of first contact during the welding process and are associated with a debonded region that runs alongside or through the centre of melted zones. Microstructural characterisation showed dispersoid-free regions, columnar grains, epitaxial growth, and localised increases in O, Fe, Si, and Mn content in locally melted areas. This region contrasts with the solid-state bonded region, in which the interface exhibited sub-micron grains.
DTP 2018-19 Loughborough University
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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Science and Technology of Welding and JoiningVolume
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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2024-01-31Copyright date
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