Objective – To investigate the prevalence, severity and impact of musculoskeletal disorders
(MSDs) and to explore individual, work-related and psychosocial risk factors
Design – A cross sectional survey
Setting – A self-reported online questionnaire was used to collect data over seven months
(May-December 2016).
Participants – The survey was distributed to midwives across the United Kingdom through
the Consultant Midwives Network and the Royal College of Midwives.
Measurements and findings – Prevalence, severity and impact (12-month) of MSDs for nine
body parts are presented. The associations between individual, occupational and
psychosocial factors and symptoms are examined using Independent samples t-test or Chi-
square statistical analyses, with Logistic regression analysis to understand the relative
importance of variables. It was found that 92% of the participants reported MSDs, most
commonly in the low back (71%), neck (45%) and shoulders (45%). Symptoms impacted on
normal activities at work and/or leisure (50%), sick leave (30%) and jobs/duties (45%). Age
and time practicing in midwifery were inversely associated with low back symptoms;
reported less frequently with increasing age and experience. Longer working hours was a
predictor for shoulder symptoms. Over commitment (intrinsic job stress) was associated
with neck and more strongly with shoulder symptoms. Those caring for a dependent adult
for more than 50 hours a week were 4.54 times more likely to have neck discomfort.
Key conclusions – This first survey of UK Midwives reveals a very high prevalence of low
back, neck and shoulder symptoms, resulting in sickness absenteeism, reduction in normal
activities and changing roles. Age, years in practice, body mass index, working hours, job
satisfaction and job stress are contributory factors.
Implications for practice – This study highlights the prevalence and impact of
musculoskeletal symptoms and the potential harmful impacts on their working life and
patient care. The findings will promote risk-awareness and national actions for risk
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Midwifery and the definitive published version is available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2019.102546