A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling of
the through-air bonding process of nonwoven fabric
production is reported in this article. In the throughair
process, hot air is passed through the fibrous web
to heat and melt polymer fibers. Molten polymer
subsequently flows to the point of contact between
any two fibers to produce a bond. Two different
modelling strategies are adapted to produce a
comprehensive understanding of the through-air
bonding process. In macroscale modelling, a CFD
model is developed treating the whole web as a
porous media in order to investigate the effect of
process parameters. Results reveal that the time
required to heat and melt the fibers decreases with the
increasing porosity of the web and the velocity of hot
air. The CFD modelling technique is then used to
analyze the bonding process at a more fundamental
level by considering the bonding of individual fibers
at microscale. The effects of the fiber diameter,
bonding temperature and contact angle between two
fibers on the bonding time are investigated. Results
show that the time required to bond fibers is weakly
related to bonding temperature and fiber diameter.
Fiber orientation angle, on the other hand, has
significant effect on the progression of bond
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
HOSSAIN, M., ACAR, M. and MALALASEKERA, W., 2009. Modelling of the through-air bonding process. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 4, (2), pp. 1- 8