Seasonal wetting and drying stress cycles can lead to long-term deterioration of
high-plasticity clay slopes through the accumulation of outward and downward
deformations leading to plastic strain accumulation, progressive failure and first-time
failures due to seasonal ratcheting. Using recent advances in hydro-mechanical
coupling for the numerical modelling of unsaturated soil behaviour and development
of nonlocal strain-softening regulatory models to reduce mesh dependency of
localisation problems, the mechanism of seasonal ratcheting has been replicated
within a numerical model. Hydrogeological and mechanical behaviours of the
numerical model have been compared and validated against physical measurements
of seasonal ratcheting from centrifuge experimentation. Following validation, the
mechanism of seasonal ratcheting was explored in a parametric study investigating
the role of stiffness and long-term behaviour of repeated stress cycling extrapolated
to failure. Material stiffness has a controlling influence on the rate of strength
deterioration for these slopes; the stiffer the material, the smaller the seasonal
movement and therefore the more gradual the accumulation of irrecoverable strains
and material softening. The validation presented provides confidence that the
numerical modelling approach developed can capture near-surface behaviour of
high-plasticity overconsolidated clay slopes subject to cyclic wetting and drying. The
approach provides a tool to further investigate the effects of weather driven stress
cycles and the implication of climate change on high-plasticity clay infrastructure
iSMART (EPSRC project EP/K027050/1)
ACHILLES project 691 group (EPSRC programme grant EP/R034575/1)
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Canadian Geotechnical Journal and the definitive published version is available at