This study aimed to measure neuromuscular function for the masticatory muscles under
a range of occlusal conditions in healthy, dentate adults. Forty one subjects conducted
maximum voluntary clenches under nine different occlusal loading conditions
encompassing bilateral posterior teeth contacts with the mandible in different positions,
anterior teeth contacts and unilateral posterior teeth contacts. Surface
electromyography was recorded bilaterally from the anterior temporalis, superficial
masseter, sternocleidomastoid, anterior digastric, and trapezius muscles. Clench
condition had a significant effect on muscle function (p=0.0000) with the maximum
function obtained for occlusions with bilateral posterior contacts and the mandible in a
stable centric position. The remaining contact points and moving the mandible to a
protruded position, whilst keeping posterior contacts, resulted in significantly lower
muscle activities. Clench condition also had a significant effect on the percent overlap,
anterior-posterior and torque coefficients (p=0.0000-0.0024), which describe the degree
of symmetry in these muscle activities. Bilateral posterior contact conditions had
significantly greater symmetry in muscle activities than anterior contact conditions.
Activity in the sternocleidomastoid, anterior digastric, and trapezius was consistently low
for all clench conditions, i.e. < 20% of the maximum voluntary contraction level. In
conclusion, during maximum voluntary clenches in a healthy population maximum
masticatory muscle activity requires bilateral posterior contacts and the mandible to be
in a stable centric position, while with anterior teeth contacts both muscle activity and
the degree of symmetry in muscle activity are significantly reduced.
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
FORRESTER, S.E. ... et al, 2010. Neuromuscular function in healthy occlusion. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 37 (9), pp. 663-669.