posted on 2017-08-24, 13:05authored byClare Lushey, Lisa Holmes, Samantha McDermid
Within a context of substantial adoption policy reform in England, this paper explores post adoption support. Findings from a small-scale survey of 22 local authorities in England and interviews with 11 adoption practitioners (from 11 of the authorities that completed the survey) are presented and related national policy discussed. The paper argues that support should continue postmatching a child with their adoptive parent(s) and that this should be the norm rather than the exception. It also emphasizes the need to improve the availability of and access to post adoption support in a timely manner.
Department for Education
Social Sciences
Communication, Media, Social and Policy Studies
Published in
Child and Family Social Work
LUSHEY, C., HOLMES, L. and MCDERMID, S., 2017. Normalizing post adoption support for all. Child and Family Social Work, 23 (2), pp.137-145.
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This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: LUSHEY, C., HOLMES, L. and MCDERMID, S., 2017. Normalizing post adoption support for all. Child and Family Social Work, 23 (2), pp.137-145, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.