Novel dynamic event-triggered consensus control of multiagent systems with Markovian switching topologies under DoS attacks
This article focuses on the issue of novel dynamic event-triggered consensus control of multiagent systems (MASs) with denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Different from the conventional Markovian switching topologies, the generally uncertain semi-Markovian (GUSM) switching topologies with partially unknown elements and time-dependent uncertainties are constructed for the leader-following MASs by considering the equipment performance and external uncertain environment influence. To save communication resources, the novel dynamic memory event-triggered strategy (DMETS) is presented to decrease the frequency of communication between agents. Some secure consensus control criteria are established for the MASs with GUSM switching topologies and DoS attacks due to the potential system communication disruption caused by attackers. Finally, two physical system examples are designed to prove the effectiveness of the presented method.
- Science
- Computer Science
Published in
IEEE Transactions on CyberneticsPages
1 - 13Publisher
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)Version
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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2024-07-04Copyright date
2168-2275Publisher version
- en