posted on 2017-06-30, 15:23authored byYu GongYu Gong, Xia Hong
This correspondence proposes a new algorithm for the OFDM joint data detection and phase noise (PHN) cancellation for constant modulus modulations. We highlight that it is important to address the overfitting problem since this is a major detrimental factor impairing the joint detection process. In order to attack the overfitting problem we propose an iterative approach based on minimum mean square prediction error (MMSPE) subject to the constraint that the estimated data symbols have constant power. The proposed constrained MMSPE algorithm (C-MMSPE) significantly improves the performance of existing approaches with little extra complexity being imposed. Simulation results are also given to verify the proposed algorithm.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
2864 - 2868
GONG, Y. and HONG, X., 2009. OFDM joint data detection and phase noise cancellation for constant modulus modulations. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 57 (7), pp. 2864-2868.
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