posted on 2015-08-20, 14:05authored byClaudia Garetto
In this paper we study higher order weakly hyperbolic equations with time dependent non-regular coefficients. The non-regularity here means less than Hölder, namely bounded coefficients. As for second order equations in [14] we prove that such equations admit a ‘very weak solution’ adapted to the type of solutions that exist for regular coefficients. The main idea in the construction of a very weak solution is the regularisation of the coefficients via convolution with a mollifier and a qualitative analysis of the corresponding family of classical solutions depending on the regularising parameter. Classical solutions are recovered as limit of very weak solutions. Finally, by using a reduction to block Sylvester form we conclude that any first order hyperbolic system with non-regular coefficients is solvable in the very weak sense.
EPSRC First grant EP/L026422/1
Mathematical Sciences
GARETTO, C., 2015. On hyperbolic equations and systems with non-regular time dependent coefficients. Journal of Differential Equations, 259(11), pp.5846-5874.
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