A current trend in the design of modern aero engines is the transition towards leaner combustion as a solution to satisfy increasingly stringent emission regulations. Lean combustion systems are often more susceptible to
thermoacoustic instability and the fuel injector can play a critical role. This
paper presents an analytical study on the unsteady air flow through a generic
injector passage in response to incident acoustic waves. The injector passage
is represented by a simplified geometry which comprises the main geometrical passage features. The unsteady flow through the passage is obtained
by combining the elemental solutions for different parts of the passage. This
enables the transfer impedance of the injector passage to be determined and
the effects of different design parameters on the sensitivity of the air flow
to acoustic perturbations to be examined. The convective wave associated
with the unsteady swirl vane wakes is also visited and compared with the results from the numerical simulations obtained in previous works. In addition
to helping derive design practices for injector passages from the perspective
of thermoacoustic instability, the current analysis can also be applied as a
preliminary design tool to assess the acoustic characteristics for an injector
passage of the axial swirler type.
This work has been funded by a Rolls-Royce/UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) industrial CASE studentship which is gratefully acknowledged by the authors. Numerical simulations were performed on were performed on HPC-Midlands funded by the EPSRC, Grant ref EP/K000063/1.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Published in
Journal of Sound and Vibration
343 - 373
SU, J., GARMORY, A. and CARROTTE, J., 2019. On the acoustic response of a generic gas turbine fuel injector passage. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 446, pp.343-373.
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Journal of Sound and Vibration and the definitive published version is available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2019.01.043.