posted on 2019-10-29, 16:45authored byHenning Fernau, Florin Manea, Robert MercasRobert Mercas, Markus Schmid
A pattern α (i. e., a string of variables and terminals) matches a word w, if w can be obtained by uniformly replacing the variables of α by terminal words. The respective matching problem, i. e., deciding whether or not a given pattern matches a given word, is generally NP-complete, but can be solved in polynomial-time for restricted classes of patterns. We present efficient algorithms for the matching problem with respect to patterns with a bounded number of repeated variables and patterns with a structural restriction on the order of variables. Furthermore, we show that it is NP-complete to decide, for a given number k and a word w, whether w can be factorised into k distinct factors. As an immediate consequence of this hardness result, the injective version (i. e., different variables are replaced by different words) of the matching problem is NP-complete even for very restricted clases of patterns.
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