posted on 2008-09-09, 15:18authored byIan K. Smout, S.D. Gorantiwar
The non-uniformity of soils, weather, fields, cropping pattern and canal
systems in most surface irrigation schemes makes irrigation water management complex,
but optimum performance is important particularly in irrigation schemes with limited
water supply. This paper focuses on the performance of irrigation water management
during the area and water allocation with a case study of an irrigation scheme in the
semi-arid region of India. Often the irrigation managers or authorities of these
heterogeneous irrigation schemes also need to deal with different allocation rules. The
allocation plans and the corresponding water delivery schedules during the allocation
process were estimated with the help of a simulation-optimisation model for different
allocation rules based on cropping distributions (free and fixed), water distributions (free
and fixed-area proportionate), irrigation depth (full, fixed depth and variable depth
irrigation) and irrigation interval (from 14 to 35 days). The performance measures of
productivity (in terms of net benefits and area irrigated), equity (in water distribution),
adequacy and excess were assessed for these different allocation plans and schedules.
These were further compared with the performance measures of the existing rule (fixed
depth irrigation at a fixed interval). The analysis revealed that these performance
measures are in some cases complimentary and in other cases conflicting with each other.
Therefore it would be appropriate for the irrigation managers to understand fully the
nature of the variation in performance measures for different allocation rules prior to
deciding the allocation plans for the irrigation scheme.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Research Unit
Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)
SMOUT, I.K. and GORANTIWAR, S.D. 2005. Performance assessment of irrigation water management of heterogeneous irrigation scheme: 2. A case study. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 19(1). pp 37-60. [DOI: 10.1007/s10795-005-2971-8]