Loughborough University

Postbuckling of stiffened panels using strut, strip, and finite element methods

journal contribution
posted on 2011-10-05, 11:21 authored by M. Lillico, R. Butler, G.W. Hunt, Andrew WatsonAndrew Watson, David Kennedy
Postbuckling results are presented for isotropic stiffened panels loaded in compression. Comparisons are made between single-bay and double-bay nite element (FE) models (where “bay” denotes a repeating portion, between supports, in the load/length direction) and a new strut model, following a Shanley-type approach, for single-bay and multibay panels. The strut model has been incorporated within the strip programVIPASA with CONstraints and OPTimization (VICONOPT) to design a multibay example panel with postbuckling reserve of strength in its skins, assuming linear elastic material properties. The panel has been shown by VICONOPT to have a stiffener buckling failuremode when an overall sinusoidal imperfection causing increased stiffener compression is present. The failure is con rmed by the double-bay FE model, which is shown to be an imperfect representation of the multibay case. Single-bay analysis using the strut model shows good agreement with the single-bay FE results. The VICONOPT code is able to design a metallic panel of realistic dimensions and loading using 50 strip elements (compared with the 9600 shell elements required by the nite element model) but cannot correctly account for material nonlinearity. The important phenomenological difference between postbuckling of single-, double-, and multibay panel models are indicated.



  • Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering


  • Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering


LILLICO, M.... et al., 2003. Postbuckling of stiffened panels using strut, strip, and finite element methods. AIAA Journal, 41(6), pp. 1172-1179


© American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)


  • NA (Not Applicable or Unknown)

Publication date



This article is closed access. It was published in the AIAA Journal [© American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics] and is available from: http://www.aiaa.org/content.cfm?pageid=318




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