Accurate measurement of position and attitude
information is particularly important. Traditional measurement
methods generally require high-precision measurement equipment for analysis, leading to high costs and limited applicability.
Vision-based measurement schemes need to solve complex visual
relationships. With the extensive development of neural networks
in related fields, it has become possible to apply them to
the object position and attitude. In this paper, we propose
an object pose measurement scheme based on convolutional
neural network and we have successfully implemented end-toend position and attitude detection. Furthermore, to effectively
expand the measurement range and reduce the number of
training samples, we demonstrated the independence of objects
in each dimension and proposed subadded training programs.
At the same time, we generated generating image encoder to
guarantee the detection performance of the training model in
practical applications.
Computer Science
Published in
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
2030 - 2041
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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