posted on 2020-02-17, 15:03authored byJohn Mardaljevic
Scale model illuminance measurements in sky simulator domes are inherently subject to parallax errors. The magnitude of these errors under a number of Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage (CIE) clear sky configurations is quantified using computer simulation techniques. In practical operation of a sky simulator dome, a second parallax error in the normalization measurements for horizontal illuminance is likely to compound the parallax error in the other illuminance measurements. This additional parallax error is accounted for in the simulations. The concept of a parallax-bounded volume is introduced. This is the volume of the dome which, on the basis of parallax alone, must contain a scale model if it is not to be subject to errors in the measurement of illuminance beyond a given tolerance. The findings indicate that, on the basis of a credible design goal for the sky simulator dome, high accuracy illuminance predictions (±10%) are practically unattainable.
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Lighting Research & Technology and the definitive published version is available at