The spin-1/2 Heisenberg kagome antiferromagnet is one of the paradigmatic playgrounds for frustrated
quantum magnetism, with an extensive number of competing resonating valence bond (RVB) states emerging at
low energies, including gapped and gapless spin liquids and valence bond crystals. Here we revisit the crossover
from this quantum RVB phase to a semiclassical regime brought about by anisotropic Kitaev interactions, and
focus on the precise mechanisms underpinning this crossover. To this end, we introduce a simple parametrization
of the classical ground states (GSs) in terms of emergent Ising-like variables, and use this parametrization: (i)
to construct an effective low-energy description of the order-by-disorder mechanism operating in a large part
of the phase diagram and (ii) to contrast, side by side, exact diagonalization data obtained from the full basis
with that obtained from the restricted (orthonormalized) basis of classical GSs. The results reveal that fluctuation
corrections from states outside the restricted basis are strongly quenched inside the semiclassical regime (due to
the large anisotropy spin gaps), and that the RVB phase survives up to a relatively large value of Kitaev anisotropy
K. We further find that the pure Kitaev model admits a subextensive number of one-dimensional symmetries,
which explains naturally the absence of classical and quantum order by disorder reported previously.
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences under Award No. DE-SC0018056
Published in
Physical Review Research
American Physical Society
VoR (Version of Record)
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