Lassalle and Nekrasov discovered in the 1990s a surprising correspondence between the rational Calogero–Moser system with a harmonic term
and its trigonometric version. We present a conceptual explanation of this
correspondence using the rational Cherednik algebra and establish its quasiinvariant extension.
More specifically, we consider configurations A of real hyperplanes with
multiplicities admitting the rational Baker–Akhiezer function and use this to
introduce a new class of non-symmetric polynomials, which we call A-Hermite
polynomials. These polynomials form a linear basis in the space of A-quasiinvariants, which is an eigenbasis for the corresponding generalised rational
Calogero–Moser operator with harmonic term. In the case of the Coxeter
configuration of type AN this leads to a quasi-invariant version of the Lassalle–
Nekrasov correspondence and its higher order analogues.
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