posted on 2015-10-30, 14:02authored byFarukh Farukh, Liguo Zhao, Rong Jiang, Philippa A.S. Reed, Daniela Proprentner, Barbara Shollock
Using crystal plasticity, finite element analyses were carried out to model cyclic deformation for a low
solvus high refractory (LSHR) nickel superalloy at elevated temperature. The analyses were implemented
using a representative volume element (RVE), consisting of realistic microstructure obtained from SEM
images of the material. Monotonic, stress-relaxation and cyclic test data at 725 C were used to determine
the model parameters from a fitting process and their sensitivity to RVE size and random grain orientation.
In combination with extended finite element method (XFEM), the crystal plasticity model was further
applied to predict surface crack growth, for which accumulated plastic strain was used as a fracture
criterion. Again, realistic microstructure, taken from the cracking site on the surface of a plain fatigue
specimen, was used to create the finite element model for crack growth analyses. The prediction was conducted
for a pseudo-3D geometrical model, resembling the plane stress condition at specimen surface.
The loading level at the cracking site was determined from a viscoplasticity finite element analysis of
the fatigue specimen. The proposed model is capable of predicting the variation in growth rate in grains
with different orientations.
The work was funded by the EPSRC (Grants EP/K026844/1, EP/
K027271/1 and EP/K027344/1) of the UK and in collaboration with
NASA, Alstom, E.On and Dstl.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
Computational Materials Science
395 - 405 (11)
FARUKH, F. ... et al., 2016. Realistic microstructure-based modelling of cyclic deformation and crack growth using crystal plasticity. Computational Materials Science, 111, pp. 395 - 405.
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