This paper has two broad aims: to trace the theoretical development of
political marketing and then demonstrate how these concepts can be used in
the analysis of election campaigns. Electioneering is not the sole
manifestation of marketing in politics but it is the most obvious, a point
underlined by recent work addressing the prominent role now played by
political marketing in a parliamentary democracy like Britain (Franklin
1994; Kavanagh 1995; Scammell 1995). Whilst much of this material
understandably concentrates on the once neglected work of campaign
practitioners, the more theoretical explorations of the intersection between
marketing and politics have tended to appear in management journals
(Shama 1976; Smith and Saunders 1990; Butler and Collins 1994). This
paper intends to explore the relationship from a political science
Social Sciences
Communication, Media, Social and Policy Studies
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WRING, D., 1997. Reconciling marketing with political science: theories of political marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 13(7), pp.651-663