In April 2007, the Research Information Network
(RIN) and Consortium of University Research
Libraries (CURL) published their joint report into
researchers’ use of academic libraries and their
services. This national study raised the profile of
research support offered within university libraries,
whilst identifying the challenges for librarians
and researchers in ensuring effective provision
in this key area. Whilst a national survey is very
useful for identifying trends and behaviours, a
national report includes the Russell Group universities,
whose resources and ethos are significantly
different from those at Loughborough, so we felt
that benchmarking the 1994 Group of 19 internationally
renowned research intensive universities2
best represented our sector and would yield the
most meaningful comparisons; a survey was
therefore carried out in late 2007. In this article
we describe briefly the methodology and the key
findings of this study and add to it by reflecting
on the opportunities for further investigation into
the increasingly important provision of research
University Academic and Administrative Support
University Library
YOUNG, H. and LUND, P., 2008. Reflections on a benchmarking survey of research support provided by 1994 Group libraries. SCONUL Focus, 43, pp. 51-56