Regulating sanitation services in Sub-Saharan Africa: An overview of the regulation of emptying and transport of faecal sludge in 20 cities and its implementation
Onsite sanitation is widely used in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) cities. Safe transportation and emptying of the resulting faecal sludge are essential for healthy cities. Typically provided by an informal and unmonitored private sector, these services are being increasingly regulated. This research provides an overview of the regulatory mechanisms in place in 20 cities across SSA, their implementation and emerging common trends. Findings highlight the diversity of tools, mechanisms, and capabilities. We conclude that incremental and pragmatic change is needed to achieve fully regulated services, with adequate implementation particularly facilitated by support and incentive mechanisms, and participation of all stakeholders.
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Utilities Policy and the definitive published version is available at