posted on 2013-09-05, 08:22authored byDimitri N. Marvis, Kelly Griendling, Charles Dickerson
In this paper a new framework for performing early technology tradeoff and design studies, the
Relational-Oriented Systems Engineering and Technology Tradeoff Analysis (ROSETTA) framework, is
developed and applied to an initial case study to conduct a trade between two candidate technologies for
potential application on a commercial jet. ROSETTA leverages the Relational-Oriented Systems
Engineering (ROSE) methodology coupled with the exploitation of transformations used in modeling
and simulation to create a direct association between the Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
methodology and standard quantitative conceptual design space exploration techniques leveraged in
technology forecasting and trade studies. This association brings precision to QFD that is model driven
and mathematically founded. The approach highlights key deficiencies in QFD when applied to early
phase design and technology tradeoff studies for the development of systems. ROSETTA proposes a
more rigorous and generalized mathematical framework for conducting generic QFD-type exercises to
support decision making in early systems engineering and design, and the advantages of the ROSETTA
framework are demonstrated through the application of ROSETTA to a small-scale aerospace
technology tradeoff. ROSETTA provides a means to begin to formalize and strengthen the relationship
between QFD, modeling and simulation, and theoretical mathematics, and allow translation between
these three approaches to engineering problems.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
MARVIS, D.N., GRIENDLING, K. and DICKERSON, C.E., 2013. Relational-oriented systems engineering and technology tradeoff analysis framework. Journal of Aircraft, 50(5), pp.1564-1575.