A model-based six-degrees-of-freedom relative motion coordinated control approach is developed for the relative
position tracking and attitude synchronization between feature
points of two rigid bodies subject to control input constraints,
output constraints and model uncertainties. In the designing
framework of adaptive backstepping control technique, the
control input saturation is compensated by the nonlinear antiwindup compensator and the output constraints are handled by
the barrier Lyapunov function-based backstepping design. The
unknown misalignment vector of the feature point with respect
to the center of the mass for the chaser is estimated by the
element-wise adaptive law, while the model uncertainties and
unknown dynamical couplings are compensated by the adaptive
hierarchical fuzzy logic system to decrease the computational
burden with respect to the traditional adaptive fuzzy system. The
ultimately uniformly bounded convergence of the relative pose
and relative velocities is analyzed in the Lyapunov framework
and the effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated by
the numerical simulations
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61903025)
China Scholarship Council (No. 201906465028)
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Nos. FRFBD-19-002A, FRF-GF-18-0028B)
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Published in
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
475 - 485
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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