posted on 2014-07-21, 09:21authored byQi Zhang, Huaizhong Zhao
In this paper we study the existence and uniqueness of the Lρ2p( ;)×Lρ2(;) valued solutions of backward doubly stochastic differential equations (BDSDEs) with polynomial growth coefficients using weak convergence, equivalence of norm principle and Wiener-Sobolev compactness arguments. Then we establish a new probabilistic representation of the weak solutions of SPDEs with polynomial growth coefficients through the solutions of the corresponding BDSDEs. This probabilistic representation is then used to prove the existence of stationary solutions of SPDEs on via infinite horizon BDSDEs. The convergence of the solution of a finite horizon BDSDE, when its terminal time tends to infinity, to the solution of the infinite horizon BDSDE is shown to be equivalent to the convergence of the pull-back of the solution of corresponding SPDE to its stationary solution. This way we obtain the stability of the stationary solution naturally.
QZ is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China with grant
no. 11101090, the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of
China with grant no. 20090071120002 and the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned
Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry.
Mathematical Sciences
Published in
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
2228 - 2271
ZHANG, Q. and ZHAO, H.-Z., 2013. SPDEs with polynomial growth coefficients and the Malliavin calculus method. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 123 (6), pp. 2228-2271.
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