Semiclassical transport with Berry curvature: Chambers formula and applications to systems with Fermi surface topological transitions
Starting with general semiclassical equations of motion for electrons in the presence of electric and magnetic fields, we extend the Chambers formula to include in addition to a magnetic field, timedependent electric fields and bands with Berry curvature. We thereby compute the conductivity tensor σαβ (B, ω) in the presence of magnetic field for bands in two (2D) and three (3D) dimensions with Berry curvature. We focus then on several applications to magnetotransport for metals with Fermi surface topological transitions in 2D. In particular, we consider a rectangular lattice and a model related to overdoped graphene, to investigate the signatures of different types of Fermi surface topological transitions in metals in the Hall coefficient, Hall conductivity σxy and longitudinal conductivity σxx. The behavior of those quantities as a function of frequency, when the electric field is time dependent, is also investigated. As an example of non-zero Berry curvature, we study the magnetotransport of the Haldane model within this context. In addition, we provide the linear and nonlinear electric current formula to order E2.
Controlling unconventional properties of correlated materials by Fermi surface topological transitions and deformations.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Find out more...Designing and exploring new quantum materials based on Fermi surface topological transitions
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Find out more...RSF-DFG grant 405940956
- Science
- Physics
Published in
Physical Review BVolume
American Physical SocietyVersion
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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© American Physical SocietyPublisher statement
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Physical Review B and the definitive published version is available at date
2022-04-04Publication date
2022-04-14Copyright date
2469-9969Publisher version
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